タイトル、Historical Architecture
Albumen print, 鶏卵紙 , Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Uzbekistan. 撮影地:ウズベキスタン、ヒヴァ、イチャンカラ
Khiva, UZBEKISTAN | Itchan Kala 41° 22′ 40.8″ N, 60° 21′ 50.4″ E
Albumen print, 鶏卵紙 , Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. photographed in Merv / مرو , Turkmenistan. 撮影地:メルブの遺跡、メルブ(メルヴ)トルクメニスタン(トゥルクメニスタン)
 Merv/Mary (مرو), TURKMENISTAN | Ancient Merv 37° 39′ 46″ N, 62° 11′ 33″ E
Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. photographed in China. 撮影地:陽関、トルファン、中国
Dūnhuáng, CHINA | Yangguan Pass (陽関) 39°45'14.7"N 93°59'32.8"E​​​​​​​
Albumen print, 鶏卵紙 , Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. photographed in Turkistan, Kazakhstan. 撮影地:イラン、ペルセポリス
Siraz, IRAN | Persepolis 29° 56′ 4″ N, 52° 53′ 29″ E
Albumen print, 鶏卵紙 , Landscape of Silk road  in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. photographed in Kazakhstan. 撮影地:カザフスタン、トゥルキスタン、コジャ・アフメ・ヤサウィー廟
Turkistan, KAZAKHSTAN | Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi 43° 17′ 0″ N, 68° 16′ 0″ E
Albumen print, 鶏卵紙 , Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. photographed in Nara, Japan (奈良:平城京跡、近畿地方、日本).
NARA, JAPAN (奈良, 日本) | Heijyo-kyu ato (平城宮跡) 34° 41′ 26.5″ N, 135° 47′ 39.5″ E
Digital work for Albumen print series
Digital negative is converted to positive and digitally output.
Landscape of Silk-​​​​​​​road in the various countries of Eurasian
Photograph of Silk-road-journey by HashiLaboratory  |  Japanese photographer and researcher
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