Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Kazakhstan. 撮影地:カザフスタン
Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Uzbekistan. 撮影地:ウズベキスタン
Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Siraz (شیراز , Šīrāz), Iran. 撮影地:シラーズ、イラン
ここに地終わり海始まる(Onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa) Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Portugal. 撮影地:ポルトガル 38°46′49.45″N, 9°29′55.96″W
ここに地終わり海始まる(Onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa) Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Portugal. 撮影地:ポルトガル 38°46′49.45″N, 9°29′55.96″W
ここに地終わり海始まる(Onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa) Landscape of Silk road in the various countries of Asia to Europe of  Eurasian. Photographed in Istanbul, Turkey. 撮影地:イスタンブール、トルコ
Digital work for Albumen print
Digital negative is converted to positive and digitally output.
Landscape of Silk-road in the various countries of Eurasian
Photograph of Silk-road-journey by HashiLaboratory  |  Japanese photographer and researcher
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