sky and pair birds

sky and bird

sky and bird

sky with cloud and birds

sky and bird

sky and bird

sunshine and birds

sunset sky and birds

sky and birds

sky and birds

sky and bird

sky and bird

sky and bird

sky and pair birds

sky with cloud and birds

sky and birds

sky with cloud and bird

sunset and birds

cloud and birds

cloud and birds

sky and bird

sky and birds

sky and birds

cloud and birds

sunset and birds

Although the countries of the Silk Road are land-based, it is not easy for people to cross the border.
However, there is no border on the sky.
However, there is no border on the sky.
Photographing place: the various countries on the Silk Road.
Landscape of Silk-road in the various countries of Eurasian
Photograph of Silk-road-journey by HashiLaboratory | Japanese photographer and researcher